Facebook Search Engine Delivers More Relevant Results than Google

While Google will remain the largest search engine in the world, Facebook has started its own. Although Facebook search engine will probably not be anywhere near as popular or as big as Google, the potential is there and they might even be able to provide us better search results.

I’m sure you have at one point or another searched something in Google only to find random topics and irrelevant content. It has happened to all of us. It’s understandable if you are a little skeptical at first about Facebook search engine, but we are going to take a look at some reasons why it will produce better search results than Google.


Facebook Has a Search Engine (Facebook Search Engine)?

Over a billion people have used or are still on Facebook and it continues to be the largest social networking site in the world. All of the data that has gone in and out of there has all been stored and can be used to come up with answers to all types of questions.

Facebook Search Engine

Think about everything that has been done, business reviews, interests, fan likes, events, and anything else has been recorded. So, Facebook can now use all of this collected data and use it to their advantage and provide us with an engine that will be able to provide us with extremely relevant search results that are accurate.


Will Never Compete with Google

The head of Facebook, Mark Zuckerburg, already spoke out and told us that he has no intention of trying to take over other search engines and competing with Google. He advised that he knows Google will continue to be the best source of information when talking about information, such a website, getting your news, reading blogs, and anything that wouldn’t be considered subjective.

He believes that Google’s currently algorithms are not able to provide accurate search results for subjective inquires. Don’t expect to try and use Facebook for all of your searching needs, only for subjective things, such as finding a good local restaurant.

Subjective Search Results are Much Better

The reason why Google isn’t able to produce great subjective search results is because they don’t use the same things in their algorithms as Facebook will. Google uses things such a link building and authority to help rank their search results, which has nothing to do with people’s experiences and will only be useful for providing search results that are informational only. Using their algorithm to find a useful blog will be great, but trying to find the best local restaurant will lead you down a path that you don’t want to go on.

Facebook has enough information to be able to handle all of the subjective questions. They already know what people like, what the best restaurants are, which businesses should be avoided, etc. All of this information has already been uploaded to them, now they are going to throw it back at us so we can get the best relevant search results.

As an example, you wanted to go and host a business meeting. So you decide to search for “Local places to host a business meeting” in Google… You will find that you come up with a bunch of advertisements and a bunch of blog posts giving you general ideas of where to look. There were no actual businesses that came up or any facilities that rent out their conference rooms.

If Facebook got a hold of that question, they could use all of the information they already had on me to figure out my location, then use people’s reviews to figure out which business is the best in this situation and provide me multiple actual locations I could go to. All I got off of Google was some irrelevant content that was created by a blogger that had nothing to do with finding an actual local business meeting spot.


Final Words

People are going to be able to start search for exactly what they need without having to deal with going through multiple pages or being disappointed due to Google’s algorithms. People will continue to use Google for all types of searching, but if you are looking for relevant search results about subjective issues, then you should be looking into Facebook.

About Sandip

Sandip Kale, Founder and chief editor of Tricks Window. He is a Software Engineer and a self developed blogger and designer behind Tricks Window. He lives in Pune, India. If you like This post, you can follow Tips And Tricks Window on Twitter OR Subscribe to Tricks Window feed via RSS OR EMAIL to receive instant updates.
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